Facilitating PI. Enabling business. Supporting progress.

EUROPIC is a unique, industry-driven platform set up in 2009 by a coalition of major European businesses in response to the growing importance of process intensification  in the design and operation of environment-friendly, safer and more cost competitive processes. Our products and services are inextricably linked with tackling specific global challenges such as: sustainability, digitalisation, manufacturing of new advanced materials and modularization. We are based in Delft (The Netherlands) with offices in Dortmund (Germany) and Toulouse (France).


Our mission

Our mission is to support members by structurally addressing the global trends and challenges facing the process/chemical industry. We do so by accelerating knowledge and technology transfer in the field of process intensification  (PI) and its application in the real world.


Connecting science and business

To support and integrate the entire value chain, EUROPIC actively connects science and business in innovative application-driven research. We create interfaces between academia, end users (manufacturers), engineering companies and technology providers. The excellent knowledge infrastructure, broad network and complementary expertise of our partners ensures broad coverage of the PI field.

High quality services

Paying special attention to the quality and reliability of the information we supply, we provide our members with unlimited access to technology reports on dedicated technologies. We perform technology scouting, patent reviews, literature reviews, benchmarking and trend analyses. Furthermore, we provide our members with worldwide consulting services as well as specialised courses and training sessions, in-company workshops, expert-hosted meetings focused on innovative PI technologies and advanced workshops dedicated to global challenges.


EUROPIC is a non-profit foundation registered under the Dutch law,
with professional management and a two-level structure.

Executive board
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hannsjörg Freund (Dortmund)
Chairman of the Board

Prof. Michel Meyer (Ensiacet, Toulouse)
Member of the Board

Prof. Tom van Gerven (Leuven)
Member of the Board

Back Office
Ms. Leslie van Leeuwen (Delft)

Meetings organized 2 times per year at various European locations


Mr. Frank Burgers
Managing Director

Strategic Advisory Board members
Dr. Manfred Nagel (Evonik), Chairman
Dr. Fabian Meemken (Arxada)
Dr. Achim Gritsch (BASF)
Dr. Roberto Werneck do Carmo (Braskem)
Dr. Sophie Vallon (Corning)
Dr. Louis Vovelle (Elkem Silicones)
Dr. Marcel Verschuur (Fluor)
Dr. Jacques Membrez (Givaudan)
Dr. Flavio Benevides (Processium)
Dr. Dominique Audoux (Seqens)
Dr. Stephan Schubert (Covestro)
Dr. Peter Roose (Eastman)
Dr. Bryce Williams (Air Liquide)
Dr. Laurent Baseillac (Arkema)
Dr. Laurent Bedel (CEA Liten)
Dr. Edouard Rebmann (Adisseo)
Dr. Bernd-Christoph Schulze (Escon)


What we organize for our members:
Advanced Workshops, SAB meetings,
Expert Meetings, PI-Courses